Qi Gong For The Season

Aug 12, 2021

Each season mirrors the cycles of change that happen year in and year out since antiquity, we as human nestled in the greater environment are no different in our cyclical changes.  The inner terrain of our bodies and minds follow the rhythms of expansion and contraction found in seasonal expressions. In classical Chinese medicine and elemental philosophy each season is paired with an element where the energy of the element is highlighted. 

Wood Element is the season of Spring 

We have traversed the threshold of the equinox and continue to travel toward the radiant greens and sweet mists of spring. We are in transition. Transition means change, however great or subtle. Mostly, the subtle leads to the great. 

Wood Element Qi Gong Supports 

  • Rising Yang Energy 
  • Flexibility and Tendon lengthening 
  • Inner Vision
  • Clarifying and catalyzing action  

The Practice of elemental qi gong with nature is a powerful way to keep your energy flow in alignment with the movements of the season and harmonize with your own natural changes. Follow along with the Qi gong Practice of the season to tap in to your bodies own internal reflections of the environment around you!

Be sure to check out our elemental wisdom section for a deeper dive into philosophy, food as medicine, herbal strategies and are and creative living practices to tune into the seasons. 

Interested in deepening your relationships to the seasons thgoith the art of Qi Gong, Dao Yin and acupressure? Check out our Reset & Recalibrate Membership 

Join us on a weekly journey into the seasonal energies as they flow through your system, informing, aligning and empowering you to deepen your own body matrix into the larger wisdom system that is nature, the here and ever now.


Have you checked out our Spring Detox eBook & Microcourse? 

If you're ready for a fresh start – a true inside out restart – then yes, this micro-course is absolutely for you!

Learn More