Balancing The Three Treasures: Spring Season
Apr 06, 2022
As we come out of the deep winter Jing is strongly connected to the water element so our energy strategy in spring is to support the water flowing again by addressing the water element acupuncture points of the energy system. One powerhouse point for this is Spleen 6, known as Three Yin Crossing; Stimulate this point to wake up the waters and direct them into action and nourishment to help take steps forward.
Dr. Nancy recommends Spleen Six as a powerful Jing Point as it supports the wood’s resting time of winter and dynamic phase in moving and flowing in spring, nourishing its qualities to be balanced.
Now that we have "sprung" Forward and the clocks have changed, assuring that our biological internal clock is harmonized is an important strategy to set in good habits and balanced sleep. Waking to the rising sun and settling down to an earlier rest time can also support the transfer of reserve dormant energies of winter into the dynamic movement of the spring wood energies that are beginning to rise. Restful sleep supports the wood energies that run between 11pm-3am to process, learn and synthesize. If you have nourished your treasures properly over the winter with rest and conservation you will have access to the well of water to nourish and move with the wood energies of direction and feel natural rising energy as motivation, vision for the future and connecting to purpose.
Spring is all about Qi and its emerging movement from the depths of contraction over the winter. The energy is coming up towards the surface and creating a natural tendency towards beginning expansion into fresh ideas and new growth. During this time of year it is important to renew commitment to movement practices that increase flexibility and ease. The movement is generated in the environment through the budding trees and fresh leaves that blow in the spring winds.
Our inner terrain is expanding and so is our expression. One of my favorite Qi points for directly balancing the activity of the liver and wood element is Liver 3 which helps to regulate the energies of the liver and keep our movement balanced as we begin to expand and direct new growth. It also keeps us in check to assure our movement is calculated and timed with precision or right action.
The shen tone of spring is Anger. Anger is the force that moves us into appropriate productive action. Spring time helps us engage with its relationship to Qi and movement which is modulated by angers relationship to movement, direction and purpose. It is important to channel frustration, to take action in appropriate manners by tending to things that we have not completed.
You can think of weeding the garden beds, or negative thoughts and patterns left over from last year so we can tap into this energy for new growth. DanZaong CV 17 is a powerful point to massage or stimulate a few times a day to settle and center the self during the active and creative energies of the spring. This point will help calm the desire to act on all the stimulus and impulses of spring awakening. We need to give a course to the expression of energy and have a deeper awareness of what we are spending our energies on. Staying centered during a growth phase will help us chart our course and actions appropriately.
Going Deeper into the 3 treasures philosophy
The three treasures philosophy of San Baio looks at the dynamic relationship of the underpinning of the foundational substances that support our body’s growth throughout our life, These three substances include the treasure of Jing, the treasure of Qi and the treasure of Shen. Each of them has unique characteristics that enhance our body systems and support maturation and growth on a daily basis, and throughout life. Taoist philosophy teaches us lifestyle practices that support the proper cultivation, preservation and enhanced functional intelligence of these three substances. These substances are the underpinnings of our existence and vital to our capacity for well being and living a thriving life.
They work together dynamically to create a foundation of triangular support, and integrity throughout the body system. The triangle is the most stable foundational geometric shape. I like to think these three treasures together form the stability of the body creating a triangle of function and intelligence.
The treasured Jing relates to our foundational energy that is gifted to us from our parents, through our genetics, it is known as the underpinning of our existence, or our essence. This Jing energy is determined at the moment of conception and supports the nourishment of our body throughout our life, helping us to have the resources we need to grow and mature through the long cycles of physical maturation of the body. It is deeply related to the reproductive system and our fertile capacity as it is the gift that we in turn pass on into the world through our children, or our creations that exists outside of us. The jing rules, the energies of the bones, the bone marrow. It is a dense, thick fluid. If we were to liken it to our energetic bank account of the body, it is like the estate, we want to preserve it and keeps its value and integrity so we can pass it down through generations
The treasure Qi is related to our vital life force energy. It is a very important body substance that splits and dynamically shifts into multiple different expressions that support the day to day growth, development and healing of the body. The qi is what makes up your body’s ability to heal and balance itself, as well as the intelligence of the immune system and its relationship to our growth and repair on a daily basis.
The Shen has to do with the functional intelligence and consciousness of our emotional potentials and qualities of expressions within the intellect. It relates to the five main emotions, which include anger, joy/ sadness, thinking, grief and fear. It allows for us the opportunity to engage the intellect into dynamic thinking and expression, through the arts, philosophy, and the capacity to ponder existence. It relates to our interplay with the world around us through relationships, creativity and expression. It is known as the substance of the spirit and relates to the different levels of maturation and growth of our spiritual intelligence, through the phases of our lives.
The San Baio philosophy teaches practitioners and individuals, how to engage with these treasures and support them through different lifestyle practices as well as energetic activation through acupuncture acupressureand treatment direction to support the underpinning of health and well being on all levels.
The San Baio Course is appropriate for any kind of health care professional wanting to deepen their understanding of Classical Chinese medicine and treatment approach as well as for individuals interested in the self healing potential of lifestyle and energetic medicine. Want to learn more visit
Nancy Werner received her first degree in humanities, and pursued medical studies later, devoting her attention to behavioral and mind-body health. After graduating as a General Practitioner from Venezuela’s Central University, she worked in public health and Mind Body Medicine.
Dr. Nancy is the Author along with Dr. Janet Galipo of the San Baio Course on Taoist philosophy and clinical application of acupuncture point theory. She lives in Mexico City and enjoys a daily practice in art and clinical healthcare.
Determined at the moment of conception and supports the nourishment of our body throughout our life, helping us to have the resources we need to grow and mature through the long cycles of physical maturation of the body. It is deeply related to the reproductive system and our fertile capacity as it is the gift that we in turn pass on into the world through our children, or our creations that exists outside of us. The jing rules, the energies of the bones, the bone marrow. It is a dense, thick fluid. If we were to liken it to our energetic bank account of the body, it is like the estate, we want to preserve it and keeps its value and integrity so we can pass it down through generations
The treasure Qi is related to our vital life force energy. It is a very important body substance that splits and dynamically shifts into multiple different expressions that support the day to day growth, development and healing of the body. The qi is what makes up your body’s ability to heal and balance itself, as well as the intelligence of the immune system and its relationship to our growth and repair on a daily basis.
The Shen has to do with the functional intelligence and consciousness of our emotional potentials and qualities of expressions within the intellect. It relates to the five main emotions, which include anger, joy/ sadness, thinking, grief and fear. It allows for us the opportunity to engage the intellect into dynamic thinking and expression, through the arts, philosophy, and the capacity to ponder existence. It relates to our interplay with the world around us through relationships, creativity and expression. It is known as the substance of the spirit and relates to the different levels of maturation and growth of our spiritual intelligence, through the phases of our lives.
The San Baio philosophy teaches practitioners and individuals, how to engage with these treasures and support them through different lifestyle practices as well as energetic activation through acupuncture acupressure
and treatment direction to support the underpinning of health and well being on all levels. The San Baio Course is appropriate for any kind of health care professional wanting to deepen their understanding of Classical Chinese medicine and treatment approach as well as for individuals interested in the self healing potential of lifestyle and energetic medicine.
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