Hawthorn Fruit Happy Heart Elixir

autumn earth element herbs earth element recipe recipe earth element Jan 18, 2021



  • 1/2 Cup Hawthorn fruit
  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks or cinnamon bark
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 1/4 Cup rose hips
  • 2-3 Dried rose buds
  • 1/8 Cup schisandra fruit
  • Good Quality preferably local
  • Organic Bourbon


Combine all ingredients in a large mason jar, cover with bourbon and seal. Store in a cool dark place for 5-6 weeks shaking daily. For extra heart medicine follow this simple quick coherence heart math technique, breathe the sensations of gratitude from your hands and heart into the elixir as you shake it infusing it with the intentions of your deepest wisdom!

Spirits have the capacity to absorb and extract energy and constituents from the material of plants as well as carry the vibration of intention and spirit of our thoughts. This powerful bourbon heart tonic can be taken in tincture form daily 1-2 droppers full in water as a heat stabilize to keep circulation strong and blood pressure in check.

Enjoy as a warmed elixir after winter activities combined with hot water and honey as a heart connecting libation for cold winter nights. Tap into an especially potent intimacy ritual when enjoyed with your beloved or loved ones during the late fire phase time between 7-9 pm!



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