Fall Skin Health

autumn earth element lifestyle earth element Jan 20, 2021

The skin is governed by the metal element and is known as the largest organ of the body. It is our barrier between us and the world around us. Our pores go through a daily rhythm of opening and closing, connecting and disconnecting while modulating what we take in and what we close ourselves off too.

Our skin pores are capable of absorbing and taking in anything we touch and come into contact with whether it be what we put on our skin, the water we bath in or the feeling of someones attitude getting under our skin. The pores are a protective gateway between our inner and outer world. The integumentary system is responsible for protection , temperature regulation, excretion, better know as sweating, immunity and vitamin D synthesis. Skin is the first place we feel sensation and illicit mechanical responses due to stimulus.

Fall is a perfect time to nourish the skin after long summer days in the heat and exposure of the sun. We begin to put on more layers to cover up keeping warm and protecting our skin from the dry climate of the fall and the dropping temperatures. Climate is a huge factor for the skin, changes in skin are typically a result of changing environmental conditions and exposure to those conditions.

UV exposure creates free radicals that attack the skin structures breaking down the fibers of the skin and effecting the skins ability to absorb water and accelerating the aging process of the skin. The most common changes that happen in skin aging are decreased tension, dryness and wrinkles on the skin.



Balanced skin health starts with hydration and diet nourishing and building the skin form the inside out. The amount and efficiency of the bodies use of water is the under pinning to supple skin, the elasticity and quality of the skins require proper water intake On the surface and outer layers of the skin we need to have proper antioxidant response so the barrier function of skin can work to protect us from towns and potential harm. When the skin has been over exposed to the elements it is crucial to support the healing process of the skin by inducing more antioxidant support; this could be in the form of topical application or internal boring of our antioxidants though food.
Antioxidants are compounds that work to effectively block the formation of free radicals they are a powerful tool to support skin health, graceful aging and the maturation of the skin one time. The topical application of antioxidants has been shown to be an effective strategy in protecting skin from oxidative stress.

Our skin is directly exposed to the external world not only though climate but to pollution, toxins and stressors that effect the natural mechanism, for repair and regeneration. The modern body is craving extra antioxidants internally and externally to combat the changing conditions we live in.

C60 Purple Powers is a super antioxidant support that can easily be blended into your skin care routine and help balance the body internally and externally! My family and I have had a blast preserving our skin with C60 in all kinds of ways from dabbing a bit round my eyes that drips off the bottle after adding it to my morning coffee, to making a simple skin spritz for after being in the sun or the shower and to my most favorite combining C60 Purple power MTC oil with herbal skin healing jojoba and essential oils for a weekly rejuvenation treatment and finishing that off with a brown sugar lip scrub to keep my lips soft and supple during the changing seasons.

Learn more about the science of C60 Purple Powers antioxidant potential and the skin here and check out all the amazing DIY C60 Purple Power beauty and skin health recipes for fall.



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