Energy Medicine & Distance Healing

lifestyle medicine Nov 12, 2021

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”

-Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1937 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine

Distance healing engages and stimulates you bodies ability to heal and balance itself. Healing and balance occur through communication between the consciousness or focus of the practitioner and their client on a subtle level, which is shared though the interconnected unified field or “universal energy”.

The information the client receives provides a framework for their consciousness to begin the healing process by stimulating the body to allocate resources and energy to the areas ready to heal and support the overall processing mechanisms of the body. Practitioners uses deep awareness to listen to the inner wisdom of your body and work to facilitate change thought your bio field utilizing various balancing techniques. Elzabieta specifically pulls from a diverse knowledge base and experience in working with the human bio field as it related to health and the functional mechanics of the body and traditional healing modalities.

What Can I expectWhen I book Distance healing session?

  • 10 minute intake call

  • Energy balancing

  • Digital recording of session


What Will I need to do?

Book a time when you have space to be in a quite reflective or meditative space of receiving; some people prefer to lay down and comfortably receive their session. At the time of your session your practitioner will work with your energy system and will make a voice recording of the balancing that is addressed in your session. At the end of your session you will receive a text alert when your healing has been completed and your recording will be immediately emailed for you to listen and continue processing your session. Following your distance healing session you will receive an email detailing lifestyle suggestions to support the healing work you have received. 

Distance healing works with the human Biofield  

The Biofield has been shown to have an influence on functional aspects of the body as well as developmental roles including:

  • Homeodynamics
  • Nerophysiology
  • Biological development
  • Consciousness

The Human Biofield defined:

Living systems are complex, nonlinear, dynamical, self-organizing systems of ionic, molecular, intracellular, cellular, and extracellular components, structures, patterns, and processes in continual interaction and transmutation through the mediating effects of energy fields imbued with information. The living system continually exchanges mass, momentum, and energy-with-information within and across multiple levels of organization to heal, maintain, or—in the case of humans.

Beverly Rubik, PhD
Founder , Institute for Frontier Science (IFS)

New Paradigms

Ancient healing traditions have know about the function of the Human Biofield and its relationship to biological, emotional and physical health and wellbeing for thousands of years. With a deep synergy of connection between the scientific and philosophical aspects of The Human Biofield along with the wisdom of this ancient knowledge we are in a time in history where distance healing and Biofield healing is at the cutting edge of healthcare.

Healing through the Biofield allows practitioners to access a broad spectrum of information dynamics that reveal themselves as stories written thought life experience, habits, patterns and neurological functioning. These stories and patterns maintain the underpinnings of our functional constitution and the intelligence of our body systems.

Benefits Of Distance Healing

  • Connect to guided embodiment, and behavioral health elements deep within your mind body and soul
  • Heal your inner and outer terrain though awareness and lifestyle practices
  • Become your own best doctor by engendering presence and flow thought your system
  • Increase relaxation and resilience
  • Manage stress related disorders in the mind and body

Ready to start healing from the comfort of your home? Sign up for our monthly Killin the Game membership. 

Learn more here about the science of distance treatments and how distance healing is revolutionizing healthcare in the times of covid here 

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